변속기esc가 도착했다. - TURNIGY Tz85A
ESC 와 프로그래밍 카드가 도착했다.
일단 ESC에 코넥터가 붙어있지 않으므로, 코넥터를 붙인다.
잠깐 팁이 있다면, 캡톤 테입 등으로 코넥터를 둘둘 말아서 바이스에 물린다음 연결 부분에 납을 채우고...
연결 부분 측면에 인두를 대고 있으면, 납이 녹아서 수은처럼 변한 것을 볼 수 있다.
이 때에 전선을 푹 쑤셔넣고 계속 인두로 열을 가하면 깨끗하게 붙는다.
물론 몇번 해보는 요령이 필요하다.
참고로 esc 내에 코넥터가 포함되어 있지 않으므로, 4mm 코넥터를 사는 것을 잊으면 안된다.
친절하게 링크를 찍어둔다.
다음은 코넥터를 붙인 사진이다.
프로그래밍 카드용 매뉴얼은 독일어로 되어 있어서 구글로 영어로 번역하여 올려둔다.
Please close the program card as follows:
Controller with BEC: Please first remove the battery from the controller and then drive the power cable from the controller in the upper right corner of the programming card infected (- + U). Then connect the drive battery back in, after a few seconds, the LED display under the "Menu" on a programmable parameter (see table) and in the "Value" field the current setting of the parameter.
Controllers without BEC: Please first remove the battery packs from the controller and then the power cord or cable programming (for controllers with 2 power cables, it is the shorter of the two) in the upper right corner of the programming card infected (- + U). Then connect the drive battery back in and then the receiver battery to the programming card (top right (- +), after a few seconds, the LED display under the "Menu" is a programmable parameter (on table) and in the "Value" field the previous setting of the parameter.
The following parameters can be programmed:
First battery Type
Second brake
Third Motortiming
4th start-up behavior
5th Undervoltage shutdown
6th Abschaltcharakter at undervoltage
7th Engine - reverse
8th Governor - Fashion
9th Clock - frequency
To program the values you need to press the "ITEM" button and therefore you scroll through the menu to reach the parameters have the change you want. With the "VALUE" button set the respective setting, this is displayed in the "VALUE" LED display. Once you have made your settings, press the "OK" button. After about 2 seconds appears a bright line in the middle of the "VALUE" LED display, this will signal that the settings have been made.
With the "RESET" button to reset the controller to its factory settings.
The following table shows the possible settings:
Programmierbare Parameter |
Einstellwerte |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
Batterietype |
NiMh/Nicd |
LiPo |
Life |
2 |
Bremse |
Weich |
Hart |
3 |
Timing |
Automatik |
Niedrig |
Hoch |
4 |
Anlaufverhalten |
Sehr Weich |
Weich |
Hart |
5 |
Unterspannungs Abschaltung |
2,8V/50% |
3,0V/60% |
3,2V/65% |
6 |
Abschaltcharakter bei Unterspannung |
Herunter Regeln |
Abschalten |
7 |
Motor-Drehrichtung ändern |
Positiv |
Reverse |
8 |
Governor Mode |
Aus |
Governor Niedrig |
Governor Hoch |
9 |
Takt - Frequenz |
8 KHz |
16 KHz |