'xgrafix'에 해당되는 글 2건
- 2010.07.27 inp 파일 분석석
- 2010.07.27 xgrafix 사용하기.
inp 파일 분석석
연구노트 2010. 7. 27. 15:08
nsp : 가스종류
dcramped - 1 or 0 (소스가 램프파형인지 여부)
source - C or I (전압 소스 혹은 전류 소스 선택)
dc[V|amp] - dc 성분의 전압 혹은 전류값
dcramped[V/s] - (dc 램프 파형일때 초당 기울기)
ac[V|amp] - ac 성분의 전압 혹은 전류값
f0[Hz] - ac 성분의 주파수
xgrafix 사용하기.
리눅스 2010. 7. 27. 14:23
리드미 파일을 잘 읽어보면 된다.
# Dependencies:
building and running xgrafix/xoopic depend on the following headers/libraries/programs:
X11, Xpm, Tcl/Tk, gcc, imagemagick, bison
optional xoopic dependencies:
Fortran Compiler for fortran libraries
MPI for parallel runs
HDF5 for parallel or high performance dump files
libpng for png
dependencies can be installed on Ubuntu (or likely any Debian based distro) with the command:
sudo aptitude install gcc g++ build-essential automake \
tk-dev imagemagick bison libx11-dev libxpm-dev libpng-dev \
fftw-dev libfftw3-dev h5utils hdf5-tools libhdf5-serial-*\
the first two lines are necessary, the last installs optional fftw/hdf5 dependencies
On Fedora, these dependencies can be installed with:
sudo yum install gcc gcc-gfortran gcc-c++ automake libX11-devel libXpm-devel \
ImageMagick bison tk-devel libpng-devel \
hdf5 hdf5-devel
On SUSE, install the following packages with YAST:
gcc gcc-c++ gcc-fortran automake xorg-x11-devel make
tk-devel bison libpng-devel imagemagick hdf5 hdf5-devel
# Configure / build/ install
For a new install:
edit the run_conf.sh file to match your system. For a basic install, the only
thing you are likely to edit is `prefix` - the install location.
then you can do:
sh run_conf.sh # configure the build
make # build the program
# or, if you have a multiprocessor machine, this can go faster with:
make -j 4 #(that's 4 threads, you can do as many or as few as you want)
# If you are building xgrafix, do:
make install # sudo make install if you need root privileges to write to $prefix/{bin|lib|include}
test the xgrafix build with:
./ctest/xtest # from the xgrafix root dir.
Once you have built and installed xgrafix, you can build xoopic. run_conf.sh is the same for
both xoopic and xgrafix, so if you configured run_conf.sh in xgrafix, use the same one in xoopic.
The process to build xoopic is the same as xgrafix, except skip the 'make install' step, since you only
need the binary file in 'xg/xoopic'. You can test xoopic with:
./xoopic -i input/ebeam1a.inp # from the xoopic root dir
once xoopic is done, you can install it with:
cp xoopic $prefix/bin/
where prefix is defined as in:
prefix=/usr/local # to install for all users
prefix=$HOME # to install just for you (assuming ~/bin is already in your path)