max7000시리즈에서 jtag 핀을 IO 핀으로 쓸 수 있을까요? - yes...(2)

힝크 2008. 9. 21. 00:26


Can I program the four JTAG pins (TCK, TMS, TDI, and TDO) as I/O pins when programming MAX? 7000 devices via a
third-party socket-based programmer?



Yes. MAX 7000S, MAX 7000A, MAX 7000AE, and MAX 7000B devices allow the user to designate four pins as JTAG pins or user I/O pins. This designation takes place before you compile the design. As a result, the MAX+PLUS? II software generates programming files that specify the pins as either JTAG pins or user I/O pins.

If you use a socket-based programmer, you can use a Programmer Object File (.pof), JamTM File (.jam), or Jam Byte-Code File (.jbc) for programming. The Jam File and JBC File support for programming the dual-purpose JTAG pins as I/O pins is only available with socket-based programmers.

하지만 jtag핀을 io핀으로 할당할때 생기는 에러를 막기 위해 컴파일 시에 BST 옵션을 끄면 pof 파일이 제대로 생성이 안된다.

그래서 다시 한번 물어봤다.

답은 이러했다.

Socket based programmer is referring to the programmer such as Altera Programming Unit (APU) at When you disable the JTAG BST support, it means that you no longer can program the MAX3000A CPLD using the JTAG ISP from Quartus II programmer, as those JTAG pins of the CPLD are reserved as regular I/O pins already. Although APU is one of the programming unit to program MAX3000A, but it is also not on sale from Altera already. Therefore, you may need the third party tool to program MAX3000A. Kindly please refer to for more information.

먼 말인지;;; 된단말이냐 안된단 말이냐.